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You go for a long time. Are you all right 你离开也够久了 你还好吗

分类: 英文签名 签名词典 编辑 : 签名大全 发布 : 01-03

阅读 :230

You go for a long time. Are you all right 你离开也够久了 你还好吗


You are still young and you have a long way to go.你还年轻还有那么长的路要走

Finally, you still choose to leave, then said but not permanent. -- 最后你还是选择离开,然后说着永久

Will you think of me after I've left?【我离开之后,你还会想起我吗?】

Everyone has a shelf life, for a long time, people have changed.每个人都有保质期,时间久了,人就变了

你是狗呀 我看你还没狗忠臣

Everyone has a shelf life, for a long time, people have changed.每个人都有保质期,时间久了,人就变了

Is it possible you still love me?———有没有能够,你还爱我?

爱她的不止你一个,可她只爱你一个, 你还好意思勾三搭四吗

Will you think of me after I've left?【我离开之后,你还会想起我吗?】

Be nice to people on the way up, because you will need them on your way down——向上爬时,对遇到的人好点,因为掉下来时,你还会遇到他们。

下一篇:You take a big step.I don't chase.你大步的走吧 我不追了 下一篇 【方向键 ( → )下一篇】

上一篇:You can't have a better tomorrow if you're still thinking about yesterday. 上一篇 【方向键 ( ← )上一篇】