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She knows the result is still a silly love you finally get scarred

分类: 英文签名 签名词典 编辑 : 签名大全 发布 : 01-11

阅读 :204

She knows the result is still a silly love you finally get scarred


I love you even if you know that you don't have a result. 我喜欢你就算知道没结果也很喜欢

Time will tell you the result of love. 时间会告诉你深爱的下场

no matter what the result will be joined us thanks.

Time will tell you the result of love.

I am sure all the waiting will be the result.

The world so big, not everyone can get the results you want.世界那么大,不是每个人都能得到自己想要的

A careless word, can cause an irreversible results.   一句无意的话,可造成一个不可挽回的结果

Time will tell you the result of love. 时间会告诉你深爱的下场

Rekindling the result would be to recommit the same error 旧情复燃的结果只会是重蹈覆辙

Life is not if only the results and consequences人生没有如果 只有结果和后果

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上一篇:Never doubt yourself. Never change who you are. Don't care what people think and just go for it. 上一篇 【方向键 ( ← )上一篇】