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我不是什么好人也不是什么坏人 只是我时好时坏

分类: 英文签名 签名词典 编辑 : 签名大全 发布 : 04-28

阅读 :186

我不是什么好人也不是什么坏人 只是我时好时坏


"Even time is laughing at me not to be too serious for you" “连时间都在嘲笑我不该对你太过认真”

I can't test people I Pateng too clearly hurt too thoroughly. 我不敢试探人心我怕疼的太清楚伤得太彻

I'm afraid of time to let me see everything I don't want to see.我怕时间让我看到一切我不想看到的

You said, I remember it just wasn't true anymore. 你说过的话我都记得 只是再也不当真了

I just can't believe you gone.{我不敢相信你已离我而去}

If you do not love me what am I desperate. 你若不爱我 我拿什么不顾一切。英文签名 我最后的祝福是要给那些人—— 他们知道我不完美却还爱着我。 My last salutations are to them Who kne

I won't let go of your hand unless you break.我不会放开你的手除非你亲自掰开

I will not bother. (我不会打扰)

I know I shouldn't love you, but I still trapped inside.我知道我不该爱你,但我仍然被困在里面。

You are the one I dare say like in the blink of an eye 你是我不眨眼就敢说喜欢的人