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Anywhere you are,I am near。Anywhere you go,I’ll be there你在与不在我都在近旁你走或不走我都在那里

分类: 英文签名 签名词典 编辑 : 签名大全 发布 : 07-18

阅读 :144

Anywhere you are,I am near。Anywhere you go,I’ll be there你在与不在我都在近旁你走或不走我都在那里


I run shit i don't tall back。(我会竭力追寻我的目标不会退缩) [] What you said, I remember, but it was not true. 你说过的话我都记得 只是再也不当真了

I was there for you. Remember that. 我会在那里守护着你。记住这一点。

What you said, I remember, but it was not true. 你说过的话我都记得 只是再也不当真了

If my future has you in it, I'm not afraid of anything——如果我的未来有你在,其他一切我都不怕了。

When I pass by the trash, I think, and you're home again. (路过垃圾箱的时候我都会想,又到你家)

You said, I remember it just wasn't true anymore. 你说过的话我都记得 只是再也不当真了

I stood and lost themselves(我站在那里迷失了自己)

Every day I miss you, I miss you. 每天不管见不见得到 我都好想你

I was there for you. Remember that. 我会在那里守护着你。记住这一点。

I stood and lost themselves(我站在那里迷失了自己)